For Authors
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- In the event of a complaint of plagiarism against a work published in the journal, a full investigation will be carried out by the editor in collaboration with a panel of reviewers chosen at his discretion. Should the allegations be proved, the affiliated institute of the relevant author, and where applicable any funding bodies, shall be notified and the paper shall be retracted from the published issue. If plagiarism is detected in a submitted work, the editor reserves the right to reject the manuscript or ask that the author revise the relevant portions of the work in question depending on the extent of plagiarism. No exception shall be made for self-plagiarism
- Authors are expected to submit a supplementary file on author contributions (applicable for coauthored manuscripts only). The document should clearly present the nature and extent of the work carried out by each contributing author. Submission of this file will be considered as proof that all contributors (authors and other input providers) are aware of and are in agreement with the data submitted. Any disputes regarding this content should not be addressed to the journal. Authors are advised to carefully consider whom to include as co-authors and whose contributions should be limited to acknowledgements. The general practice is to mention the names of those who lent their opinions, analyses, and technical expertise in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section and only include the names of significant contributors as coauthors
- Sources of funding (if any) should be acknowledged in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section