"Social Affairs Journal is an ideal platform for researchers to disseminate alternative perspectives that remain largely under explored."
Dr. Yanki Hartijasti, MBA, M.Si
Department of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Indonesia

"Excellence in higher education is a major concern in South Asia today. The scholarly contribution of the Social Affairs Journal is much appreciated in this regard."
Prof. Michael Davis
Law and International Affairs at the Jindal
Global University,
Washington DC, United States

"The Social Affairs Journal performs a valuable role in providing a venue for the global exchange of new research findings and perspectives both in a variety of disciplines and in interdisciplinary contexts."
Prof. Chandra R. de Silva
Professor Emeritus, Old Dominion University,
Norfolk, Virginia, USA

"Social Affairs journal (SAJ) disseminates cutting edge research in the Social Sciences, serving to fill a long standing vacuum of South Asian perspectives in the field."
Rev. Prof. (Dr.) W. Wimalaratana
Head/Department of Economics,
University of Colombo

"Social Affairs journal appeals to the broader community of social scientists in the region as an avenue to publish outcomes of cutting edge research, critical thinking and insightful future trajectories for the nations grappling with diverse economic, social, political and cultural issues."
Dr Siri Gamage
Former Academic at the University of New England,
Armidale,NSW Australia

"Social Affairs is an academic space for epistemological diversity that accommodates multiple perspectives of knowledge, practices, and beliefs. As a scholar interested in indigenous knowledge and different ways of knowing, I always felt this Journal is for me."
Emmanuel S. Kaghondi
Ph.D Candidate - Music Education,
University of Minnesota - Twin cities
(Driven to Discover)

"Social Affairs Journal constitutes an ideal platform for social scientists to disperse their research of an interdisciplinary nature in a global context."
Prof. R.M.M.Chandraratne
Head/Department of Archaeology,
University of Peradeniya -