General Guidelines:

  • All submissions should be unpublished, original work of the author/s
  • Manuscripts should discuss issues of contemporary relevance and importance pertaining to the field of Social Sciences. The journal may periodically set specific themes under which submissions will be accepted
  • The word count should be between 5000-10,000 words
  • Citations should be according to the American Psychological Association (APA) format which can be accessed here.
  • Authors are advised to avoid the use of footnotes except for the purpose of clarification
  • Authors bear sole responsibility of the opinions, interpretations, and conclusions of their papers and acceptance of a paper does not imply the editorial panel’s endorsement of the ideas expressed
  • Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words, author profile, and a declaration confirming that the work is original and has not been published/submitted for publication elsewhere. For co-authored manuscripts, a separate document clearly indicating the individual contribution of each author should be submitted. Contributions of technical expertise, interpretations, views, and opinions along with funding sources (if any) should be acknowledged under a separate section titled 'Acknowledgments'
  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and will be subjected to a double blind peer review process
  • Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions at least one month prior to the publication of the relevant issue
  • Due to time constraints, all authors are requested to have their manuscripts copy edited prior to submission.
  • Manuscripts will only be reviewed for sound logic and structure Manuscripts can be submitted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Authors are encouraged to view our Statement of Ethics prior to submitting manuscripts.