Workshop on Academic Dependency and Indigenous Knowledge: Role of Social Sciences

Venue : University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Date : 19 October 2018
The Social Sciences were introduced to formerly colonized countries of South Asia based on the underlying paradigm of modernity. University academics have been teaching disciplines such as Sociology since then and constructing knowledge using concepts, theories, and methods imported from Euro-America. This process of knowledge production and dissemination has significant implications for countries in the global periphery, especially in view of the unequal knowledge order between metropolitan centres of learning and those in the colonized periphery including academic dependency and captive mind.
This workshop examined these issues with a view to identify the nature of academic dependence in the Social Sciences, in particular Sociology, unequal global knowledge order, and practices in the periphery by using recent critical thought in post-colonial and Southern Theory. It also examined ways and means of resurrecting indigenous knowledge that can be part of social science knowledge and their sources.