FALL 2017 - Vol.1 No.7

Inaugural Address of the Vice-Chancellor on 14th July, 1942

Sir W. Ivor Jennings

Recollections of the University of Peradeniya

Shanti Nandana Wijesinghe and Hasini Lecamwasam

‘Vajra Jayanthi’ of a Great Seat of Higher Learning: A Millennium Perspective

C.M. Madduma Bandara

For a Sustainable Tradition of Research in the Peradeniya Faculty of Arts

G. H. Peiris

Psychological, Sociological, and Political Dimensions of Ragging in Sri Lankan Universities

Siri Gamage

Peradeniya through Times: A Perspective from the Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Arjuna Aluwihare

On the bank of River MahaWeli

Wetara Mahinda

The Origin, Development, and current perspectives on Archaeology

R.M.M. Chandraratne

Peradeniya’s Contribution to the Rewriting of the History of Sri Lanka

Chandra R. de Silva

The Story of Two Departments: Philosophy and Psychology


Peradeniya Academics of the Early Days and their Contribution to Sinhala Studies

K.N.O. Dharmadasa

Sociology at the University of Ceylon

H.L. Seneviratne

SPRING 2017 - Vol.1 No.6

Survival and Revival of Tibetan Ethnic Identity in India

Dawa Dolma

Wasagama (Surname) and Individual Name Changes among the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka: An Exploratory Study

Upul Abeyrathne, Suranjith Gunasekera and Pulsi Epa

A Study on Social Identity Based On the Brahmi Inscriptions of the Early Historic Period in the North Western Province, Sri Lanka

A.M.P. Senanayake

An Insight into the Very First Bengali Language Text Books: A Visual and Historiographical Understanding

Lopamudra Maitra Bajpai

Review of Research Studies and Literature on Social Work Higher Education in India

Mahesh Chougule

FALL 2016 - Vol.1 No.5

Academic Dependency on Western Disciplinary Knowledge and Captive Mind Among South Asian Sociologists: A Critique

Siri Gamage

International Migration and Migration Theories

A.A.I.N. Wickramasinghe and Wijithapure Wimalaratana

What Does Poetry Do to Us?

Puja Ghosh

Beauty and the Beloved: Sarapa in 16th century Hindavi Sufi Romance Mrigavati

Ilma Qureshi

Book Review: What is a Modern social Worker Comfortable With? Universalism or Relativism? Review of Postmodernism, Critical Theory and Social Work by J. Ife (1999)

Sarathchandra Gamlath

SPRING 2016 - Vol.1 No.4

Youth Aspirations, Social Mobility and Educational Target Achievement in Sri Lanka

S.J.M.N.G. Samarakoon, S. Rasnayake and D.T. Chandrasekara

Expansion of University Education, Graduate Unemployment and The Knowledge Hub in Sri Lanka

Gamini Samaranayake

Some Ethno-Archaeological Observations on the Subsistence Strategies of The Veddas in Sri Lanka

R.M.M. Chandraratne

Cultural Tourism Potential in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka

Ven.Wijitapure Wimalaratana

Approaches to Civil Wars: ‘How Do Leaders Lead, and Why Do Followers Follow?

Pizwak Imtiaz

FALL 2015 - Vol.1 No.3

Poverty, Youth and Politics; A Three Dimensional View of Youth in Slum Areas of Solapur City

Mahesh Chougule

A Personal Narrative on the Role of Micro-Level Professional Social Work Practice Calling for its Application in Sri Lanka

Sarathchandra Gamlath and Shamini Attanayaka

Changing University Student Politics in Sri Lanka: from Norm Oriented to Value Oriented Student Movements

Gamini Samaranayake

Women in the Patriarchal Welfare State

Darshi Thoradeniya

Cultural transformation in Sri Lanka and its impact on the regional cultural landscape

Asitha G Punchihewa

SPRING 2015 - Vol.1 No.2

Positive approach to ageing: A Policy lesson for a community-based aged care system in Sri Lanka

Sarathchandra Gamlath

Discursive-Linguistic Practices and the Construction of Identity in the Sri Lankan SMS (Short Message Service) Discourse

Chamika Dahanayake

The Role Played by the Ceylon Reform Society and the oriental Medical Science Fund in the Revival of Traditional Medicine in Ceylon/Sri Lanka

Rathnayake M. Abeyrathne

Where to Find the Presence of the Buddha Today?

Sumana Rathnayaka

Factors Affecting the Underperformance of Employees

Nadeeka Amarasinghe

FALL 2014 - Vol.1 No.1

Changing Patterns of Anthropology and Sociology Practices in sri lanka in the Context of debates on northern and southern theory

Siri Gamage

The Impact of Job Satisfaction and Employee Education on Employee Efficiency

M. M. C. De Silva

The Migration-Interstate Conflict Nexus

Sebastiano Rwengabo

Is Violence Justified in Theravada Buddhism?

Mahinda Deegalle

The Role of Military as an Instrument of Soft Power in Post-War Sri Lanka

Apsara Karunaratne